"You might as well identify the box first."read more

3335 days ago

Not only the Chinese invented the compass, they also happen to have five points on it. We do too by the way but we are just too busy to mention. This however is bad form.

Lalao HM. Rakotoniaina

"Designers need to shut up!"read more

3649 days ago

I don’t know how it is in other countries, but in France at least designers need to learn to shut up. Designers know nothing, that’s a fact. However, they tend to object. Should they shut up, they’d learn something.

Lalao HM. Rakotoniaina

“Is Service Design the new New?”read more

4083 days ago

Is service design much like furniture design? No matter the problem, ask a furniture designer, you will end up with a stylish piece of furniture. Or, is it a process of harmonizing a complex system to make it fathomable and satisfactory in the eyes of a given audience?

Lalao HM. Rakotoniaina

“Be agile, don't title-stumble!”read more

4277 days ago

The most progressive usability, accessibility and desirability advocates are the same folks who give their clients the hardest time through naming jargon and methodology gibberish. User-centered, Human-centered, User-centric, User-experience. What kind of excrementum bovis is this?

Lalao HM. Rakotoniaina

“Just don’t... get the job.”read more

4277 days ago

“Get the job, get the job, get the job!” At some point it’s not relevant anymore. You know, when the job does not qualify as a design job. In my experience, 80% of the time, clients ask designers to do styling and decoration. 80% of the time then, I end up recommending amazingly skilled professionals in these capacities.

Lalao HM. Rakotoniaina

“It's all just Design!”read more

4277 days ago

Today all practices have converged. So, the point is not what a designer can, wants or expects to do, but rather what is required to help the project move forward. At some point, every project will demand a disruptive solution. At some other point, usability and understanding become critical to get accross to the user.

Lalao HM. Rakotoniaina

“GUI: Gonzo User Inquiry”read more

4869 days ago

If a car manufacturer asked me to design an innovative car, for the sake of innovation, a car would be the last thing I would look into. Now you might think twenty years of living France turned me into a stubborn party-crasher. Maybe so.

Lalao HM. Rakotoniaina

“Complex is the new simple!”read more

4869 days ago

Sometimes people are at a distance, so people rely on devices to keep interacting. In other words, people interact with their devices to interact with each other, which sounds… cumbersome.

Lalao HM. Rakotoniaina

“Design makes problems worth throwing money at!”read more

4869 days ago

I am a designer. If you ask a me a question, what you get is some sort of project re-definition. Re-assessing the situation is the process by which I try – hard – to understand your question. Still, I won’t give an answer right away. How annoying is that?!

Lalao HM. Rakotoniaina